The border is 24 hours open. This crossing is made in steps but is not complicated.
Dakar to Border
I went to the main station of Dakar in Pikine, got into a bush taxi and paid 8.000 francs to the border (normal price is 7.000). Bush taxis or “7 place” are way faster than bigger buses that stop many times. They are normal cars with 3 extra sits offering 7 seat for passengers and one for the driver. I left 1pm arrived in the border 5pm.

Border exit was simple, I could get sim=card from Africell even on Senegalese side. After I was informed there is a shop from this company there but I haven’t seen. I paid 1000 francs for sim-card plus 259 Dalasi for 1.5 giga (there are loads of packages, to check dial *120#).
I walked to Gambia immigration, they speak English, a relief! Fingerprints, asking for my job and place I stay. Also asked how many days I stay, I said one week or two, he gave me sharp 14 days.

Border to Barra
Once you are stamped, you have to get a car to Barra where the ferry leaves to Banjul. Taxi drivers start to bother you, they offered me rides for 45 and 75 dollars . Than I jumped into a local bus that is less than a dollar (40 Dalasi).

Half an hour later I get to Barra.
Barra to Banjul
The ferry leaves every 30 mins to one hour, costs 25 Dalasi . During high season the last one is at midnight, low season the last one around 10pm. If you don’t cross in the last one, you have to sleep in Barra. The local private boats finish at 7pm. There is an waiting area with seats, once the door is open, everyone rushes to the ferry, few seats available. I waited more than one hour to leave. The trip took 45 minutes, can take from 30 to one hour depending on the type of ferry you take. Position yourself in the exit once the trip is ending. They open and everyone runs to get the shared taxis that wait outside. Cross the gate, don’t get the ones from inside the terminal. It’s a lot of people! I was heading towards Westfield, cost me 50 Dalasi a spot in a shared taxi. The drivers scream the destination and you just jump inside. I arrived around 9pm in my final destination.