If you entered here, it means that you somehow want to close relationships. We can do this in a variety of ways, including partnerships, I can provide articles, attend events and lectures, make comments and give opinions about your products and services. Contacts can be made via message on my Instagram @franzexplorer

Reviews and Opinions

Do you have a restaurant, hotel, tour company, product or business related to travel? I would be happy to test for you. I offer full reviews for travel related products and services, and I would be interested in partnering with you.


If you have a travel site, blog or magazine and need some high quality articles, talk to me! I can provide content with tips unique to the places you are or general travel tips.

Events and Lectures

Are you organizing an event related to travel and tourism, and are you looking for someone to talk to, or to help promote the event? I will be happy to receive your contact to make a partnership.

Direct advertising

Want to advertise directly on my travel blog? Please contact me via my Instagram: @franzexplorer

Other partnerships

If you have thought of another way to work with me, please get in touch. I am open to all suggestions.

7 Comments on “Contact & Public Relations”

  1. Caro Franz,

    Após ler uma matéria sobre você no G1, onde explicam que você está pensando em deixar a Africa de fora, resolvi te escrever.

    Gostaria de te estimular a não cometer esta besteira.
    Infelizmente, a mídia fala de Africa como se fosse um país e não um continente.

    Neste extato momento, eu estou em Nairobi e, a partir de amanhã, começo um roteiro pelo interior do Quênia (no meu caso, a negócios).

    Nos últimos 18 meses, estive na Quênia, Tanzânia, Comores, Seicheles, Africa do Sul, Zimbabwe, Ruanda, Uganda, Burundi, Etiopia e Angola e te digo que, caso você decida não vir, excluirá a melhor parte da sua viagem.

    Te deixo algumas dicas:
    Pegue um voo até Nairobi, cruze a fronteira com o Quênia de carro, passando pelo Seregueti, Ngorogoro e Arusha. Experimente os melhores cafés do mundo nessa região.

    De lá, parta para Dar es Salaam e pegue um barco para Zanzibar.

    Faça uma curva à oeste, e inclua Botsuana e Namibia na sua viagem.

    De lá, vá para a Africa do Sul, visite Joanesburgo e Cidade do Cabo e pegue um voo para Seicheles, um verdadeiro pedaço do paraíso.

    Sua viagem terá sido completa.


  2. today I come to you from a beautiful postcard from Myanmar …… thank you very much my friend ….. God bless ….. You remain in my prayers …..

  3. Hi There, Just want to let you know one of your destinations and recommendations to see kangaroos for free in Morisset Park in Australia can no longer be accessed already for a number of years. Still mostly backpackers keep coming by train from Sydney only to have to return disappointed. Just thought I would let you know. Anna

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