Julian, german traveler, 28 years old, quitted his job as electrician in a big company to hit the road.
Why do you like to travel by car?
In Germany we say “Free travel for free citizens”. When I did my driving license I had accomplished a dream, I could drive wherever I wanted to go. I borrowed the car from my mom, took all my friends and we discovered the Mediterranean see.
I worked, saved money and bought my own car with the idea to drive to India with a friend. We filled up the tank and left. At that time I had a two wheel drive VW T3.
When I came back home I fall in love with a four wheel drive VW T3, but they were too expensive. I bought a cheap one and did the complete restoration, including engine rebuilt. The advantage is that now I know every single screw of my car-home.

What motivated you to leave Germany with your van setting south Africa as a final destination?
I wanted adventure and a long journey, quickly I decided to checkout Africa, the destination was to go south as far as I could, so I choose South Africa. Africa is for me a less discovered part of the world specially by land.
I have the motivation but I have to find out if is possible to do the trip.
Do you like to travel alone or with someone?
I didn’t found a fixed partner for the journey that is the reason why I travel alone. But I prefer to travel with someone, because we can chat and I don’t have time to overthink to much.

What are the most rewarding things about your travel?
The hard experiences makes you a more tuff person for future challenges. The nice feeling when you overcome difficulties, specially when people around you say it is not possible, there is always a way.
What are the three main challenges of your trip, explain them and why them?
1: For me is hard to stay alone, because I start to overthink and is not good for my mental health. When I am doing a job or a hobby I have less free time to overthink.
2: Visas are expensive and demand a lot of effort to prepare the paperwork specially because you have to find print-shops and gather a lot of documents.
3: Police check and border control cost a lot of stress.
What could make you give up on your journey and stop traveling?
If I run out of money, a serious engine problem, a serious sickness, a girlfriend changing my mind.

What will you do when you arrive in South Africa?
First thing will be taking a photo to register my goal accomplished. Relax for few days in the hammock and than ship the car back to Europe.
What do you have inside you car that makes it a home?
Double bed, a stove with 2 burners, a fridge, laptop, curtains for privacy, 40 litter water tanks, food storage, camping tent, 5 comfortable seats, diesel storage and tools.
Do you see yourself doing another long journey in another continent with your car?
At the moment no, because I will settle down after and build a tiny house with wheels.