Paragliding in Iquique

Paragliding in Iquique, a city in the coast of Chile, is a must because this place is known as one of the best spots to paraglide in the world. As a landscape you have the Atacama desert dunes, the city and the beach.














The owner of the company Altazor was a funny Swiss guy, he said that even though earned less in Chile he was way happier there comparing to his home country. He picked me up in the hostel and we went by van to the drop point in the top of the dunes. In the car we received the basic instructions for the tandem jump.

In the beginning it was a bit cold, around 13 degrees but after became comfortable. It take between 10 and 20 minutes and is around 70 USD for the jump. If you want the pictures and videos you must pay 15 USD extra that includes the SDcard.

Almost reaching the landing point, playa Cavancha, he asked me if I enjoyed adrenaline and started to go really faster. He did many round movements and I got a bit sick but was fun and worth the experience!
