What was the weirdest food you have ever tried? Trying different food is part of the travel experience and here I share the Weirdest Food Top 5 List. If you want to learn how do I afford to travel the world, check here.
1 - Penis Fish (South Korea)
For sure the weirdest thing I have ever eaten was the penis fish in South Korea! I can't recall eating anything more weird than a fish that literally looks like a penis. Officially called Urechis unicinctus and also known as the fat innkeeper worm or Chinese penis fish, is a species of marine spoon worm in East Asia. It is found in the coast of China, Korea and Japan.
They cut it alive while it is still moving and you eat it fresh and raw. It is has very rubbery texture and a bland taste. They eat with sauce because only the fish itself is kind of tasteless. That was top one!

2 - Insects (Thailand)
Eating insects in Bangkok is almost part of the touristic attractions. If you walk in the busiest street in the capital of Thailand, Khao San Road you will have the chance to experience all sorts of insects, sold in street stalls.
They grill the insects and sell them in barbecue sticks. I have tried scorpion, grass hoppers, worms and even a frog. The worms tasted like peanuts and the grass hoppers like shrimps. It looked disgusting but were kind of tasty! You can also find them in China food markets.

3 - Cuy or Guinea Pig (Peru)
The guinea pig is both food and pet in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador. It looks like a big rat, the meat is slightly hard but it was actually tasty!

4 - Fresh fish brain (Tonga)
After spear fishing in Tonga locals gave me the brain of a freshly caught fish to eat. They say is a matter of respect for the fish that provided food for you. It was kind of disgusting taste and texture, of course, it is a raw brain!
5 - Taiwanese varieties (Taiwan)
I could make an entire article only about Taiwan, their food markets are filled will all sorts of tastes. From shark fin to dried fish, stinky tofu to oyster pancakes. They say is all delicious, but some things were really not my taste! Stinky Tofu for example, really stinks! But is a best seller in every food market in Taiwan. I thought it was edible, some people even say is very tasty, but I really didn’t enjoy the smell, it stinks!
And as an extra, the Horse Milk, that was really sour and strong. I tried it in Kazakhstan but is widely found in Central Asia and Mongolia. They are known to increase virility of men.

Let me know in the comments your Weirdest Food Top 5 List.
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