Many people helped me along this journey, but here I'll show you some of the angels that pushed me even further in following my dream of exploring the world. And I will be always grateful to have crossed paths with them.
I first created the website by myself, but Pedro Cavalcante (that studied with me in primary school) brought it completely into the 21st century at his own initiative. Actually the description on the main page was something he wrote and I loved it so much that I kept it. His work is a masterpiece!
My beautiful logo was made by Milena Tavares, at her own initiative. An amazing artist with 8 years of experience.

When I arrived country number 100, I sent a letter to 10 people who somehow impacted my journey, my personality and improved my skills. And here they are:
1. If it was not for Jonathan Bittencourt, business man and Honorary Consul of Tanzania in Brazil I would have canceled my visit to Africa. He convinced me to go there, encouraged me and even shared some itineraries. Later on, we met in South Africa for coffee. He also invited me for a consulate event in Brazil where he introduced me to the Ambassador. In addition to the Consul position, he helps companies to grow internationally with his company Norten Advisors. He taught me to RISK.

2. I was really fortunate to be welcomed by Jonathan Yabut in Malaysia and travel with him in Thailand. He is simply a genius and an ambitious and successful human being. He not only won the Apprentice Asia TV show, worked as a director in Air Asia, but also decided to launch his own business and leads a team of more than 100 employees. He introduced me to his incredible network of friends and allowed me to have so many unique new experiences. He taught me to DREAM.

3. Uvi Seitta, a Buddhist monk in Myanmar, introduced me to Buddhism, offered a place to sleep in his monastery and was one of the most authentic travel experiences I will never forget. He hosted over a 100 travelers in his monastery. He taught me to DETACH.

4. Mike Belsole from New York, what a human being! A former director of a multinational company, he showed me what is to be humble and generous. He invited me and bunch of backpackers for an event at his house with his huge heart open! He drove me all around the city in a Tesla, he helped me out improving my book content, without ever expecting anything in return. He even paid for a proper expensive New York Sandwich in a traditional restaurant (He had no idea how much that was a blessing for a hungry budget traveler) No words can tell how grateful I am to have met him! He taught me to BE HUMBLE.

5. Marion Guedou, travel partner, girlfriend, friend, a real woman, the kind of girl that is always taken. We spent a good time together in Australia and New Zealand, working, sharing memories, even living in a car. She is one of the girls with the most attitude I have ever met. She is a vegetarian and eco-friendly person. Marion is focused on trying to make this world a better place to live, and concerned about the next generations. She taught me to HAVE EMPATHY

Lesley Wheatley, a strong woman with a lot of attitude, hosted me and Marion in her lovely farm in New Zealand. Running a hedgehog rescue center, taking care of goats, chickens and a huge amount of lovely parrots and parakeets. Thanks Lesley, Len and Mark! She taught me to HAVE ATTITUDE

7. Martin Kibera, a Football freestyle artist welcomed me in Nairobi. Since he had a hard childhood, he decided to create an NGO to teach football to children and get them out of crime. Later on I connected him with a filmmaker and he performed incredibly as an actor in the Football freestyle awarded documentary Around the World. Martin taught me to INSPIRE.

8. Janos Demeter is a truly believer. Our subconscious mind made us meet in the Bimini Islands in the Bahamas. We quickly connected and our crazy ideas brought us to incredible adventures, including a wild fishing trip in a huge speed boat. Janos now is sailing around the world and taught me to BELIEVE.

9. Zhang Bo is one of the most interesting humans I crossed paths with. I hosted this free spirit man in my mother's house in Rio de Janeiro. He is a Chinese guy that visited every country in the world and has such accurate senses. The first thing he said while entering my house was: "-is so beautiful in here!" Later on he said: "-You've got to help your mother more." Known also as Baktan, he taught me to be GRATEFUL.

10. Jawara McDuffie, has the sweetest heart and was kind enough to bring flowers and chocolates to my mother in Brazil while I was overseas. He never expected anything in return and taught me to BE GENTLE.

Beside those 10 humans, I had several other ones that made an impact on my trip and here they are:
Nilo Lima gave me a lot of insights before I boarded the cruise ship and helped me out with my book including revision and motivation. I consider him a reference in health and fitness.
Ernesto Folch, the coolest dude in entire Dominican Republic! He hosted me for over a week at his beach-front house in Punta Cana. We had so much fun around the country and I learned so much about the culture there with him. He is a genius in programming and runs his own businesses.
Nawaf Naif hosted me in Kuwait after waiting for me for so long at the airport. He drove me around and immersed me into Kuwait culture. He in an entrepreneur and paints amazing arts.
Mbuso Mandela & Lizo Tutu, grandsons of two Nobel prize winners. They brought me with a group of foreigners to Mandela's house, cooked us a lot of food and shared some good memories. What an honor to have met them!
Jorge Grandi, former director at UNESCO, we met in Azerbaijan while he was crossing by land from Europe to Asia. Such an inspiring man! We had several chats and he showed me his well equipped camper-van. We also spent quality time with other local travelers.
Nuki Buenaflor, a modern-day ninja, welcomed me in the capital of the Philippines, introduced me to Pancit and showed me some hidden jams in the country. We also made a fun surf trip to Baler! He currently make some songs and explore islands in the Philippines.
Diogo Kiss, the genius IT guy! What a journey I had with you in Denmark! Not only he lived in the most central location ever possible, he hosted me, he lent me his fancy bike, we wander around the city, went party, had fun, he showed me all the hidden jams and helped me out with getting a new phone (shit happens!). Thanks man, Copenhagen was epic!